I've been extremely busy the last few months with work, class, and honey do lists. Don't get me started on my allergies, that is a different story. Anyway, my time is precious and I pray the weather gods are on my side when I have a block of time set aside for some fishing. Well, the weather gods have not been on my side this weekend. I had a few hours blocked off yesterday afternoon, hoping to get some fishing in. The forecasters had called for rain all day on Saturday and Sunday. Well, as it turned out, the rain and wind came on Saturday afternoon. And it came fast with cooler temperatures.
Talk about shocking the body with warm temperatures followed by this cold, rainy yuck stuff.
So, I spent that time researching paddles. I was looking for a light paddle that did cost more than $200.00. I made the mistake of purchasing an inexpensive
Carlisle Day Tripper paddle when I decided to jump into the sport. Let me tell you, that paddle is one heavy paddle when you are trying to paddle with one hand and fight a fish or retrieve a hung lure.
So, I narrowed my choices to two paddles. One that I tested and liked because of how light it was. It being the
Werner Camano. However, a couple of local kayak anglers I spoke to on a recent outing had the
Aqua-Bound Sting Ray Carbon paddle, they told me how great the paddle was for the cost and as I held one, I really couldn't tell the difference between the two.
My findings on the paddles:
Werner Camano - $220.00 at 27.25 ounces
Aqua-Bound Sting Ray Carbon - $189.00 at 28.5 ounces
My decision was made. I placed my order via Appomattox River Company for a Aqua-Bound Sting Ray Carbon paddle and a
Wilderness Systems Ride 135 2012 in Orange. Hook'em! \m/
Some modifications I intend to make on this Ride are add a few stickers, camera mount, anchor trolley, and fish finder on the side track. More to come once I receive my toys.