Saturday, July 27, 2013

Goose Creek | Upper Potomac

This outing was one that I had been wanting to make since I began kayak fishing. The problem is, I really didn't know too much of the area. More specifically, I didn't know if it was one that required two vehicles. A drop off and pickup point. Well, I found out it doesn't. Thanks to Steve Clark who put this outing together. Matt Matocha and Scott Wilson also made this really nice float down Goose Creek into the Potomac River.

On the float down Goose Creek, I had several short strikes on a small buzz bait and tube on a carolina rig, but no takers. 

My observation of Goose Creek is it has no vegetation, but lots of hidden boulders. I can see smallmouth being drawn upstream in late Spring, early summer, when the water is flowing. 

We finally hit the upper potomac. Should we go left or right. Steve had made this trip before, he made the recommendation to go left. He began picking them off left and right. Matt and I were missing. Matt eventually hooked up as we headed up river. I, unfortunately, had a skunk going. I eventually got onboard on the way drift down stream. 

Steve and I began picking them off on the drift down stream using a dead stick technique. Color didn't matter, since I was a coffee color BPS worm and Scott was using a smoke color Yamamoto worm. Scott on the other hand, pulled out a nice size largemouth hitting the bank line. 

Although, numbers weren't there for me, I would definitely make this trip again. Next time, I'll have some type of in-line spinner tied on, since it was working for Scott. 


  1. Looks like a fun day Andy - nicely done.

  2. Thanks. It was nice chasing smallies again.

  3. Nice and awesome video, I really love watching on it. Please keep on sharing!

    fishing tips
